Panpharma will invest more than 17 M € in a new vial line for injtectable forms in its Trittau plant in Germany which will more than double its production capacity. This modern and automated line will meet the latest regulatory standards (in particular the new EU GMP Annex 1) and will support the increase of …

Panpharma selected under the healthcare industry support plan.
Panpharma is the only producer of antibiotic in France with one of the world’s most comprehensive product ranges. Panpharma will be investing 25 million euros to modernise the production lines at its plant in Luitré, Brittany which will double its production capacity. This will meet the increased demand in France and for export, especially in …
Panpharma speaks at the Rencontres Santé Bretagne
The ‘Rencontres Santé 2021 Bretagne’ conference, organised by Brittany’s regional healthcare agency, the Brittany region and Biotech Santé Bretagne, was held on 12 October 2021, covering the topics of challenges in training, innovation and production. Marie-Hélène Dick shared her experience by participating in a roundtable on healthcare products made in Brittany. More than ever, Brittany …
Panpharma belongs to the newly-created Franco-German club of healthcare companies
This club, named Tech & Fab for good, was launched on 7 October 2021 at the initiative of BPIfrance and in the presence of the minister responsible for industry, Ms Agnès Pannier-Runacher. It comprises 7 family-run, medium-sized French and German companies: Panpharma, BBraun, Thuasne, Septodont, Drager France, De Dietrich, Hartmann.The objective of this club is to …
Women in Industry prize 2021 awarded to our Chairwoman
Marie Helene Dick, the chairwoman of Panpharma, received the honour of the Women in Industry 2021 trophy, awarded by [the magazine] ‘Usine nouvelle’, in the presence of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, secretary of state to the minister of the economy, on 28 September 2021.This prize recognises Panpharma for its history, its industrial expertise and its commitment to public …
A new Managing Director for the Panpharma Group
Pierre Moysan became Chief Executive Officer of the Panpharma Group on the 1st of December 2020, after joining the group in mid-October. An engineer by training, Pierre began his career at L’Oréal, where he became director of a production unit. He soon joined the pharmaceutical industry and the GSK laboratory, initially in France and afterwards …
A new managing director for Panpharma GmbH
Hendrik Schlehahn joined us on August 3, 2020 as Managing Director of our German subsidiary Panpharma GmbH. Hendrik has 23 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. From 2000 to 2012 he held various responsibilities in production / technical and quality assurance at the GSK / Aspen site in Bad Oldesloe and since 2013 he …
Gender Equality Index
Since the creation of Panpharma in 1983, women have always been at the forefront of the company, particularly in strategic positions. While the glass ceiling that often keeps women out of top management still exists, at Panpharma we are proud to have a Management Committee that respects equality and in which 50% of the members …
The teams in Boulogne-Billancourt move to Saint Cloud
The teams in Boulogne have moved into new, larger offices in Saint Cloud. In addition to an individualized and quiet working space for each employee, these new, bright premises have 3 meeting rooms, 2 of which are equipped with a video-conference system and a kitchen-cafeteria area.
Management of the health crisis, Covid-19
Panpharma, a pharmaceutical company, manufactures a wide range of injectable medicinal products of Major Therapeutic Interest that are vital to the hospital care of many patients, both generally and for the treatment of opportunistic respiratory and cardiac diseases related to Covid-19. Cognisant and proud of this responsibility, the Panpharma teams, further to government instructions, have …